Nana’s Barbequed Brisket

5-6 lbs boneless brisket
1 teaspoon TexJoy celery salt
1 teaspoon TexJoy onion salt
1 teaspoon TexJoy garlic salt
1 tablespoon TexJoy steak seasoning
1 teaspoon TexJoy black pepper
3 oz. liquid smoke
¼ cup Worcestershire sauce
½ cup water
¾ cup barbeque sauce
Rub celery, onion and garlic salts, steak seasoning and black pepper into both sides of brisket.
Pour liquid smoke over both sides; place in metal baking pan, cover with foil. Refrigerate overnight. **Prior to baking, pour Worcestershire sauce and water over meat.
Cover again, bake in 275 degree F. oven 4-5 hours. (Wrap in foil tightly.) Remove from oven, uncover, and pour barbeque sauce over meat.
Replace in oven, uncovered, cook 1 additional hour.
Yield” 8 – 10 servings