News from TexJoy and Texas Coffee Company Articles

News & Notes From Texas Coffee Co.

GREATful for Thanksgiving Dishes

by | Tuesday, November 17, 2020 |

Thanksgiving is almost here! Nobody is more thankful for family, friends, and flavor than us at the Texas Coffee Company. As we near our 100th anniversary, we are counting our blessings and this time of year makes it all the more special. Plus - nobody loves gathering in the kitchen and gobbling up amazing meals more than we do, so we are sharing a list of our top 5 recipe ideas for Thanksgiving 2020.These dishes are a mix of savory and sweet dishes that our staff, family, and friends admire....

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The Ides of Merch

by | Wednesday, October 7, 2020 |

Announcement! We are pleased to announce some new fun merch for sale at A">www.texjoy.comA few quick and easy clicks will direct you to a TexJoy classic branded shirt and a TexJoy face mask. You are what you eat, so show it with pride and JOY! TexJoy's classic t-shirt is a sweet, savory, simple and fashionable way to show your fandom. Choose your color and let the world know you are a fan of delicious, fun flavor. And if you've got to wear a mask, make it a JOYful one. These cloth masks are...

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New and Improved

by | Thursday, November 21, 2019 |
New and Improved

Shop! Ship! And Share! We are excited to launch our new website, Just in time for the holidays, the new and improved website is built with YOU the shopper in mind. With nearly 100 years of family business, we have a big story to tell. Well, actually, we have a LOT of stories to tell! But the best is pure, simple, spectacular flavor. That's what this site design is all about: putting the premium flavors of seasonings...

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Out and About with Ace Hardware M & D Supply

by | Tuesday, November 19, 2019 |

This Saturday was particularly sunny, special, and SPICY out at M & D Supply Ace Hardware in Beaumont. It was a fun day to showcase some of our terrific steak seasonings and bar-b-q spice rubs out with the store's awesome selection of grills and barbecue sets. Passing out samples proved to be a big hit with the store's famous free popcorn...

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